In this episode of Caleb With Curls, I learned all about plants, flowers, and how to start a garden… just like my grandma Nonnie’s!

There are many ways to start a garden. You can start with seeds, seedlings (baby plants) or you can go get a full sized plant. The best place to get plants is by visiting a nursery.

I was lucky enough to be able to take a tour of the Rancho Valhalla Nursery with the owner, Mrs. Karen Ellis.

Rancho Valhalla Nursery is a family-owned business that is about 4-acres of plants, flowers, trees, vegetables, herbs, and succulents.

Ms. Karen showed me how to move a plant to a bigger pot when it’s ready to grow. You can also move your plants from a pot to the ground when it gets big enough. Here’s a great article that you can read on ways to start your own garden:

Rancho Valhalla Nursery is not just about plants, the area also has beautiful waterfalls and grassy areas, that can hold events and concerts. For more information on what is going on at the Rancho Valhalla Nursery, be sure to follow them on their facebook page at

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